The company’s sprawling manufacturing plant in BHIWADI is equipped with the state of the art product and ancillary equipment. Ajanta handles all key manufacturing activities internally. This gives us fully control over quality we deliver to our customers as well as enabling us to respond quickly and deliver on tight production timelines. The employee involvement at Ajanta is a critical component in making continuous productivity improvements and ensures that Ajanta remains a strong supplier and partner to its customers.
Ajanta Electric Industries

available Rain Water Harvesting in our Plant to recharge the Ground water in case of Rainfall and preventing the water from passing through Drainage system. These are few steps taken by us to mitigate the Climate changes.
Our Cables are fully checked for all Critical type tested before being supplied to Customer & put into usage. This helps us by removing any Bad material reaching out the end user and thus nullifies the Fatality/Causality in the society.
In house manufacturing delivers quality, on Time
Quality Orientation
Our key principle for being elected by customer’s is by providing the products they want, at the time they want them at appropriate prices and in markets where customers are active. In order to maintain the highest quality in every aspect of its business, Ajanta has adopted a continuous improvement approach to all its operations. Though we have done lots of excellent achievements in cable manufacturing field, we still keep on improving customer satisfaction, work processes, profitability speed and efficiency of all kinds.
Our future is bright
As exceptional as the last four decades, we promise that best of Ajanta is yet to come. Our ability to efficiently transform technology into cool new products, deliver them and support in with a superior customer satisfaction has never been greater, last but no the least Ajanta would live to be your most reliable business partner continuously.